The team at The Office Providers have, collectively, several decades of professional experience working within the commercial real estate industry.
The team comprises of commercial office agents who have worked within the evolving office space industry with experience of working for global, national and local commercial real estate services companies as well as modern commercial office space rental companies and workspace consultancies. The team has a wealth of knowledge and experience honed from servicing traditional corporate clients opting for traditional commercial office space on institutional lease terms, to individual entrepreneurs and startups opting for shared commercial office space and workspace.
The team includes chartered surveyors with a wealth of commercial property management experience specifically managing office property and providing consultancy on creating office space solutions for a range of commercial office space users, as well as advising on rent reviews, lease renewals, alterations, assignments and all other areas of commercial property management.
The Office Providers team also comprises of members from a focused tenant representation background working with occupiers from all sectors, in all locations, so they truly understand the bespoke nature of a client’s office space requirement and how to provide the perfect solution.
Please Contact Us to discuss your bespoke commercial office space requirements.
We are regulated by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) so we are independent and impartial, and property professionalism is at our core. Our office space tenant representation and occupier advisory services are FREE, always.
See our guide to searching for commercial property in London Mayfair here
Read our guide to setting up an office in Holborn City of London here