[Updated Oct 2020] A guide to serviced offices and office space for rent in Perth as well as general information that may be useful if you are thinking of renting offices in Perth.
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History & Geography
Known as the ‘City of Light’ Perth is one of the largest cities in Australia and the capital of the state of Western Australia. Perth is located approximately 2,000 kilometres away from Adelaide on the country’s west coast. The city sits on the Swan River between what is known as the Darling Scarp, a low escarpment east of the Swan Coastal Plain, and the Indian Ocean. Before its discovery by Europeans the area around Perth was inhabited by the Whadjuk Noongar tribe of Aborigines. In 1697 a Dutch seafarer named Willem de Vlamingh sighted the region, though he considered it too inhospitable to land, an opinion borne out by other European explorers who subsequently viewed the area. However, in 1829 the British set up what would become known as the colony of Western Australia. Captain James Stirling of the ship HMS Parmelia chose the name Perth for the capital of Western Australia. Perth was chosen in honour of the Colonial Secretary Sir George Murray, who was born in Perth, Scotland. The early years of the colony were marred by constant conflict with the Aborigines, ending in the near destruction of the Noongar people. In 1901 Perth, along with the rest of Western Australia, joined the Federation of Australia. Western Australia was the last of the territories to join and only did so after the offer of numerous concessions by the rest of the Federation. In 1933 Western Australia attempted to secede from the Federation unsuccessfully. From the 1960s on Perth grew in both size and prosperity. The reason for this is the city’s development as a service centre for Western Australia’s lucrative mining industry. With the area being so rich in natural resources, such as gold, natural gas, nickel, alumina, coal oil and diamonds, a large resource industry has built up in the area and many in Perth are employed in servicing it.
Most of Western Australia’s mining industry is actually located outside of Perth in various locations around the state. However, Perth still dominates the area’s economy due to its status as a service centre for this industry. Perth has traditionally relied on mining and agriculture for its economic growth, however, today that has changed and the city relies more on the service industries. Today business services, education, health, public administration and wholesale trade are among the strongest industries in the city. Also, while Perth has never been a major manufacturing centre there is some manufacturing activity to the south of the Swan River. After WWII areas like Kwinana, Kewdale and Welshpool became sizeable industrial estates, driven by a power station, nickel refinery, alumina refinery and a steel rolling mill. Today Perth is Australia’s fourth most populous city, with many of its residents living in the suburbs which surround the city and which grew up in the 1950s as a result of wider adoption of the car and workforce decentralisation. Today the city is on the list of the world’s most liveable cities, put together every year by the Economist.
Tourism & Culture
Perth does not have the strong tourism economy that Sydney or even Melbourne has. Part of this is due to the city’s location on the far western coast of the country. However, Perth does receive some visitors and tourists, who are usually not disappointed with the city. Perth benefits from miles of sandy beaches and year-long sun which has resulted in a thriving outdoor and water sports scene. Popular with visitors and residents alike is the Perth Cultural Centre, which includes the State Records Office, Institute of Contemporary Arts, Alexander Library, Western Australia Museum and Art Gallery of Western Australia. Perth also has the largest inner-city park in the world in Kings Park, which consists of over four square kilometres of parkland adjacent to the city’s CBD. Perth Zoo, which is located in the southern part of the city is one of the most respected zoos in the world, primarily because of its breeding programmes for orang-utans and giraffes. Perth also has a thriving local music scene and a buzzing nightlife, consisting of some of Australia’s best clubs, bars and restaurants. The city also has a thriving sports scene, mostly centred on cricket and Australian rules football.
Perth Airport is the city’s main airport and is located to the east of the city. The city itself is served by an extensive public transportation system consisting of trains, ferries and buses. Under the auspices of Transperth, the city’s public transport system provides transport links all over the city and the surrounding rural area. Perth is also connected to other major cities like Adelaide and Sydney via the Indian Pacific passenger rail service. At the mouth of the Swan River is Perth’s main harbour, Fremantle, which serves both as a container and passenger port.
Office space for rent in Perth
Perth’s vacancy rate currently stands at 3.3 percent, which is a drop from 7.8 percent in the year previous. Vacancy for Grade A property only stands at a mere 1.4 percent. Currently, rents are at an average of AUD 757 per square meter per year. With the declining vacancy rate has also come a decline in incentives from landlords and it is currently very much a landlords market in Perth. There are a number of projects currently in the pipeline, however, with demand still strong, it is unlikely that delivery of these will make much impact on rental prices.
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